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squaw apple Scientific Name Peraphyllum ramosissimum Family Rose Native No, Yes Weed Can be |
wild crab apple Scientific Name Peraphyllum ramosissimum Family Rose Native No, Yes Weed Can be |
wild crabapple Scientific Name Peraphyllum ramosissimum Family Rose Native No, Yes Weed Can be |
broomrape Scientific Name Orobanche sp. Family Broomrape Flower Color Yellow, white, purple Short Description Broomrape Native Yes Weed No |
parsnip-flowered buckwheat Scientific Name Eriogonum heracleoides Family Buckwheat Short Description parsnip-flowered buckwheat (Eriogonum heracleoides) Native Yes Weed No |
thymeleaf buckwheat Scientific Name Eriogonum thymoides Family Buckwheat Native Yes Weed No |
bicolor larkspur Scientific Name Delphinium bicolor Family Buttercup Native Yes Weed No |
golden beeplant Scientific Name Cleome platycarpa Family Caper Native Yes Weed No |
golden spiderflower Scientific Name Cleome platycarpa Family Caper Native Yes Weed No |
brickellbush Scientific Name Brickellia sp. Family Composites, Sunflower Native Yes Weed No |
Cusick's Sunflower Scientific Name Helianthus cusickii Family Composites, Sunflower Native Yes Weed No |
limestone hawksbeard Scientific Name Crepis intermedia Family Composites, Sunflower Native Yes Weed No |
silver sagebrush Scientific Name Artemisia cana Family Composites, Sunflower Short Description perennial Native Yes Weed No |
threenerve fleabane Scientific Name Erigeron subtrinervis Family Composites, Sunflower Native Yes Weed No |
white sage brush Scientific Name Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. ludoviciana Family Composites, Sunflower Native Yes Weed No |
white sagebrush Scientific Name Artemisia ludoviciana ssp. ludoviciana Family Composites, Sunflower Native Yes Weed No |
iris Scientific Name Iris sp. Family Iris Flower Color Purple, Cream, Yellow Short Description perennial Native Yes Weed No |
black camas Scientific Name Camassia quamash Family Lily Flower Color Blue Short Description The close up pictures of camas show 6 pale to deep blue petals in the form of a star. Location McCall Native Yes Weed No |
brodiaea Scientific Name Brodiaea douglasii Family Lily Flower Color Purple, blue Location McCall and many locations Native Yes Weed No |
camas Scientific Name Camassia quamash Family Lily Flower Color Blue Short Description The close up pictures of camas show 6 pale to deep blue petals in the form of a star. Location McCall Native Yes Weed No |
Douglas' brodiaea Scientific Name Brodiaea douglasii Family Lily Flower Color Purple, blue Location McCall and many locations Native Yes Weed No |
Douglas wild onion Scientific Name Allium douglasii Family Lily Flower Color Pink Native Yes Weed No |
dwarf onion Scientific Name Allium parvum Family Lily Native Yes Weed No |
false Solomon's Seal Scientific Name Smilacina racemosa Family Lily Flower Color White Location McCall Native Yes Weed No |
small camas Scientific Name Camassia quamash Family Lily Flower Color Blue Short Description The close up pictures of camas show 6 pale to deep blue petals in the form of a star. Location McCall Native Yes Weed No |
small onion Scientific Name Allium parvum Family Lily Native Yes Weed No |
swamp onion Scientific Name Allium madidum Family Lily Native Yes Weed No |
tapertip onion Scientific Name Allium acuminatum Family Lily Flower Color Purple Native Yes Weed No |
twisted stalk Scientific Name Streptopus amplexifolius Family Lily Flower Color Purple, white Location McCall Native Yes Weed No |
wide-fruit mariposa lily Scientific Name Calochortus eurycarpus Family Lily Flower Color White-pale pink Native Yes Weed No |
Oregon checkerbloom Scientific Name Sidalcea oregana Family Mallow Native Yes Weed No |
Oregon checker-mallow Scientific Name Sidalcea oregana Family Mallow Native Yes Weed No |
marsh yellowcress Scientific Name Rorippa islandica Family Mustard Native Yes Weed No |
yellow alyssum Scientific Name Alyssum alyssoides Family Mustard Native Yes Weed No |
early coral-root Scientific Name Corallorhiza trifida Family Orchid Flower Color Yellowish Short Description Saprophyte, forest floor. Leaves: No green leaves Location McCall Native Yes Weed No |
spotted coral-root Scientific Name Corallorhiza maculata Family Orchid Flower Color Brown, red, white Short Description Saprophyte, forest floor. Leaves: No green leaves Location McCall Native Yes Weed No |
Hayden's cymopterus Scientific Name Cymopterus bipinnatus Family Parsley Native Yes Weed No |
wild strawberry Scientific Name Fragaria vesca Family Rose Flower Color White Location McCall and many locations Native Yes Weed No |
woodland strawberry Scientific Name Fragaria vesca Family Rose Flower Color White Location McCall and many locations Native Yes Weed No |
prairie starflower Scientific Name Lithophragma parviflorum Family Saxifrage Native Yes Weed No |
false strawberry Scientific Name Hesperochiron pumilus Family Waterleaf Native Yes Weed No |
showy goldeneye Scientific Name Heliomeris multiflora Short Description Annual to weak perennial. Native Yes Weed No |
creeping barberry Scientific Name Berberis repens Family Barberry Native Yes |
creeping Oregon grape Scientific Name Berberis repens Family Barberry Native Yes |
blue stickseed Scientific Name Hackelia micrantha Family Borage Native Yes |
Jessica sticktight Scientific Name Hackelia micrantha Family Borage Native Yes |
arrowleaf buckwheat Scientific Name Eriogonum compositum Family Buckwheat Native Yes |
northern buckwheat Scientific Name Eriogonum compositum Family Buckwheat Native Yes |
rough eyelashweed Scientific Name Blepharipappus scaber Family Composites, Sunflower Native Yes |
scabland sagebrush Scientific Name Artemisia rigida Family Composites, Sunflower Native Yes |
tall ragwort Scientific Name Senecio serra Family Composites, Sunflower Native Yes |
western groundsel Scientific Name Senecio integerrimus Family Composites, Sunflower Native Yes |
foothill deathcamas Scientific Name Zigadenus paniculatus Family Lily Native Yes |
nettle leaf giant hyssop Scientific Name Agastache urticifolia Family Mint Native Yes |
nettleleaf giant hyssop Scientific Name Agastache urticifolia Family Mint Native Yes |
Holboell's rockcress Scientific Name Arabis holboellii Family Mustard Native Yes |
narrow-leaf collomia Scientific Name Collomia linearis Family Phlox Native Yes |
tiny trumpet Scientific Name Collomia linearis Family Phlox Native Yes |
foxtail barley Scientific Name Hordeum jubatum Family Poaceae Native Yes |
slender fringe cup Scientific Name Lithophragma bulbiferum Family Saxifrage Native Yes |
cutleaf nighshade Scientific Name Solanum triflorum Family Solanaceae Native Yes |
hook violet Scientific Name Viola adunca Family Violet Native Yes |
yellow violet Scientific Name Viola nuttallii Family Violet Native Yes |
Kirtley's baby blue eyes Scientific Name Nemophila kirtleyi Family Waterleaf Native Yes |
black cottonwood Scientific Name Populus balsamifera L. ssp. trichocarpa Location McCall and many locations Native Yes |
plains cymopterus Scientific Name Cymopterus acaulis Native Yes |
plains springparsley Scientific Name Cymopterus acaulis Native Yes |
scarlet gillia Scientific Name Ipomopsis aggregata var. attenuata Native Yes |
skyrocket Scientific Name Ipomopsis aggregata var. attenuata Native Yes |
western sweet-cicely Scientific Name Osmorhiza occidentalis Native Yes |